On April 14, 2014, Syfy aired the first episode of the fifth and final season of its hit series Warehouse 13. If you are unaware of what Warehouse 13 is all about, the series follows U.S. Secret Service Agents Myka Bering (Joanne Kelly) and Pete Lattimer (Eddie McClintock) when they are assigned to the secretive Warehouse 13 for supernatural artifacts. The Warehouse is located in a desolate part of South Dakota and throughout the series, Pete and Myka retrieve artifacts from around the world and store them at the Warehouse for safe keeping.
Warehouse 13 is the perfect blend of science fiction, action, drama and comedy that the entire family can watch.
Last August, the Pop Culture Principle had the opportunity to visit the Warehouse 13 set in Toronto to watch as they filmed the final episode of the series. We got to see firsthand what goes on behind the scenes in shooting a television episode and how many people are involved in putting the episode together. During breaks in shooting the episode, we had the chance to chat with the cast and crew about working on the series. The set visit allowed us to see some of the props used in the show, see many of the artifacts from the series and get a perspective of the amount of work that is put in for each episode.
The highlight of the set visit was our chance to sit down with several cast members and interview them about working on the series and what fans can expect for the final season. We would say more, but we think it’s best that we just let the cast members speak.
First up is Eddie McClintock who plays Secret Service Agent Pete Lattimer. Pete is smart, handsome, athletic, and has a knack for quick thinking. Pete also has many of the memorable lines in the series and has a pretty big appetite! See below and listen to Eddie talk about playing Pete and what being on Warehouse 13 has meant to him.