In a tale of two series coming back after different opinions on its previous season, both Dexter and Homeland will be returning on Showtime September 30th. Dexter, which many thought had one of its weakest seasons to date will premiere at 9pm EST. Recently, star Michael C. Hall signed a new 2 year extension to his contract. On the flip side, Homeland will return right after Dexter at the 10 pm time slot. Homeland stars Damian Lewis and Claire Daines and was widely considered the best drama of last year. In our opinion, it was the best drama we’ve seen in the last 10 years. President Obama is such a fan of the show, that Damian Lewis recently let it slip during an interview with BBC television host Graham Norton, that he was invited to the White House for the upcoming State Dinner with the British Prime Minister! Talk about being a fan of the show!