Social media has become a very important part of today’s entertainment industry. It allows celebrities and brands to communicate with fans, promote projects and items and spread their message around the world.
Social media has also allowed many individuals to break into the entertainment industry and start careers. One such individual is makeup artist and model Becky Hudson.
The Richmond, VA native has over 750,000 followers on her Instagram account and that number grows every day. She’s appeared in magazines like Playboy and Maxim and continues to build her name and brand in the industry.
Becky Hudson is obviously a beautiful woman, but there is much more to her than just her beauty. We sit down with Becky to talk about how she got into modeling, where she sees herself in ten years and how she wants to give back and help with the homeless.
Pop Culture Principle – Growing up in Richmond, VA, did you have any aspirations to get into the entertainment industry?
Becky Hudson – You know what, not really. I used to do competitive cheerleading when I was younger. I always loved beauty related stuff, but I never realized that I would get into modeling. I used to do makeup before I started modeling and the modeling kind of happened through social media. It just kind of all fell together which is kind of crazy.
Pop Culture Principle – How did you start your modeling career?
Becky Hudson – A lot of people would always tell me that I should model and when I was younger, I thought modeling was the runway and most of the models were six feet tall. I was living in Maryland and a photographer wanted to do a photoshoot with me, so I did the shoot with him. I didn’t have Instagram at the time and a little over a year ago, I started an Instagram page and it started to really grow and I figured that I could possibly start a career in modeling.
Pop Culture Principle – Instagram has become a very important tool. With over 700,000 followers, can you talk about how you started to grow your Instagram community?
Becky Hudson – I would say I’ve built my Instagram page organically. When I started, I posted a couple of photos and they would get picked up by Instagram accounts that had much bigger followings and it just started growing. It was definitely very organic and a little weird. I think the first two weeks of having my Instagram account, I gained ten thousand followers. People kept reaching out to me and wanted to see more, so I just stuck with it.
Pop Culture Principle – As mentioned before, social media can be a very effective tool, but at the same time, there can be some negativity attached to it. Have you had to deal with any of that so far?
Becky Hudson – I try to stay kind of private. You have to be really careful with social media. Obviously, if someone is writing negative things, I just block them right away. I also keep my private life away from social media and because of that, I have been really fortunate knock on wood!
Pop Culture Principle – You’ve had the chance to appear in magazines such as Playboy and Maxim? Can you talk a bit about your experiences with those projects?
Becky Hudson – The second photo shoot that I ever did was with Playboy and Brian Hayes. I started my Instagram and he reached out to me and said that he shot with a lot of men’s magazine and he thought I had a great look. So, I flew out to Las Vegas and we shot in the desert. About four of my photos from that shoot were published and I was the cover for the South Africa January 2018 issue. It was just me, him and the makeup artist and it was such a great experience. I feel like when you have something like that under your belt, it’s so much more official than just social media. Being published is a big honor.
Pop Culture Principle – A modeling career often leads people into acting in film and television. Is that something you might be interested in doing in the near future?
Becky Hudson – Yes, I would love that. I don’t have any experience in acting at all, but I think I would be really good at acting if given the chance. I’m shy at first, but once you get to know me, I’m super outgoing. I am working on that and getting my name out there and doing more sit-down interviews. So hopefully in the near future, you’ll see me working as an actor.
Pop Culture Principle – Is there anyone in the business that you look up to as a role model?
Becky Hudson – In my modeling world, not really. I feel like with social media, I’ve seen girls who have done really well and have similar body shapes and looks like me, but I try and stay in my own lane. To be honest with you, my parents are my role models.
Pop Culture Principle – Where do you see yourself 5 to 10 years from now?
Becky Hudson – I have a huge passion for make-up and I want to say in ten years, I would definitely want to be in more magazines, I want to do a calendar and posters and that stuff in the near future. Looking further down the road, I would really love to have my own make-up brand. I have a huge passion for beauty related stuff. Maybe even having a fragrance in the near future as well. Also, as we mentioned before, maybe acting and doing some music videos.
Pop Culture Principle – We learned that you are becoming an advocate for the homeless. Are you involved with or do you have a charity benefitting the homeless?
Becky Hudson – Well, it’s something that I am getting back into. When I lived in Virginia, my family would help with the homeless through the Red Cross. So, I’m trying to work with the homeless now that I am in Los Angeles. The homeless situation in this area is pretty bad. I feel very fortunate and I want to help and give back. It’s something that is a passion of mine and I want to get back into doing it more and do whatever I can to help.
Pop Culture Principle – What advice would you give to someone who is trying to break into the entertainment industry?
Becky Hudson – I would say if you have a passion for something, just keep going for it. You really have to want it and consistency is really important. I feel if you don’t have a passion for it, you’re not going to be able to survive in anything you do. You have to have a thick skin and you will hear the word no a lot, but you can’t take it personally and as I said earlier, just stick to your guns and be passionate about it.
We would like to send a big thank you to Backy Hudson for taking time from her busy schedule to talk with us. You can follow Becky on her official Instagram account beckyhudson_official.
**All photos courtesy of Damir K. Photography**