With the success of original series True Justice and XIII, REELZ Channel is back with a new series called Bomb Girls. The series starts Meg Tilly, Jodi Balfour, Ali Liebert and Charlotte Hegele. Bomb Girls will mark the second time the network has teamed up with Muse Entertainment Enterprises. The first being the Emmy winning series The Kennedys.
Set in the 1940s, Bomb Girls tells the remarkable stories of the women who risked their lives in a munitions factory building bombs for the Allied forces fighting on the European front. The series delves into the lives of these exceptional women from all walks of life – peers, friends and rivals – who find themselves thrust into new worlds and changed profoundly as they are liberated from their home and social restrictions. The series will premiere on September 11th and run 6 episodes for the first season.
Stay tuned to The PC Principle for more information and a review of the pilot episode!