Hulu has renewed live-action/animated hybrid Original comedy series Woke, inspired by the life of award-winning artist Keith Knight, for a second season (8 episodes). The first season debuted on Hulu, Wednesday, September 9.

Starring Lamorne Morris, Woke takes an absurdist look at identity and culture through the lens of Keef – a Black cartoonist finally on the verge of mainstream success, when an unexpected incident changes everything.

With a newfound consciousness, Keef must navigate the new voices and ideas challenging him, all without setting aflame to everything he’s already built.

The series stars Morris, T. Murph and Blake Anderson. Sasheer Zamata and Rose McIver guest star.

Woke is yet another example of Hulu’s continued success in elevating powerful and relevant stories about the human experience from breakthrough creators and talent including Ramy, Shrill, Pen15 and upcoming series Love, Beth starring Amy Schumer.

Woke was developed by Marshall Todd and Keith Knight. The co-creators served as executive producers alongside Jay Dyer, Maurice “Mo” Marable, Aeysha Carr, Richie Schwartz, John Will, Will Gluck, and Eric Christian Olsen. Kate Schumaecker served as executive producer on the pilot.

**Photo courtesy of Hulu**

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