After a heartbreaking and tragic Season 3 finale, the hit CW series The Outpost is back with a new season that began on July 15th.

The Outpost as a series has really come into its own over the past three seasons and of course, one of the main reasons for the show’s growth and success is the work of series star Jessica Green as Talon.

We had the chance to sit down with Jessica to talk about the new season, what it was like filming during the pandemic and what the faithful Outpost fans can look forward to with the new season.

Pop Culture Principle – Some fans are calling this new season 3B, while others call it Season 4. Which camp are you in as far as what season this is for The Outpost?

Jessica Green – Season 4 sounds so good!

Pop Culture Principle – You basically shot Season 3 and Season 4 back to back during the pandemic. Can you talk a little bit about filming for that long and how it was dealing with the COVID-19 protocols?

Jessica Green – Serbia had become our second home and the cast is like one big family so we loved our time together even though at times we were living in lockdowns filming and learning lines made it easier to deal with.

Pop Culture Principle – Would you agree that Talon has truly come into her own as a leader as we head into the current season of The Outpost?

Jessica Green – She has to step up as she promised Gwynn. She also has the power and the people supporting her there will be many challenges for her this season.

Pop Culture Principle – Talon got to have a short-lived reunion with her father at the end of Season 3A. Can you talk about that moment for Talon and how it did and may affect her moving forward?

Jessica Green – It was a shock for her to find out her father was alive. She was a little girl when he left and she has over the years built such a strong exterior surviving on her own. His death was closure on a chapter of her life which only makes her stronger.

Pop Culture Principle – At the end of the previous season, we see Gwynn, aka Queen Rosmund make the ultimate sacrifice and take the Black Kinj into herself. Can you talk about her sacrifice and the actor’s work on the series?

Jessica Green – Gwynn saved the people with her sacrifice knowing this would end her life and with the ultimate revenge of destroying Yavalla. Imogen Waterhouse was a wonderful friend on and off set and an incredible actress who will be sadly missed by all the fans.

Pop Culture Principle – One of the more interesting new characters on The Outpost is Falista. She was helped by Janzo and now lives to fight again. Since she is a distance cousin to Gwynn, could she be in line for the throne in the future?

Jessica Green – Falista does have the family connection and is well-educated. She is the rightful heir, but she is also very emotional and has the Red Kinj, so being Queen could bring more pain and turmoil.

Pop Culture Principle – The third season of The Outpost added new characters and twists, but that season really showed the show’s growth and confidence. Would you agree with that?

Jessica Green – Yes and the fan base has grown significantly. The writers are always bringing new twists with unexpected deaths of loved characters and introducing new ones and each season seems to get better.

Pop Culture Principle – You’ve inhabited and nurtured the character of Talon for several seasons now. How protective have you become of this character?

Jessica Green – In a sense, I am very much like Talon 😊

Pop Culture Principle – The Outpost’s fanbase has grown consistently since the first season and is one of the most passionate fanbases in television today. Can you talk about what the fans mean to you and the show?

Jessica Green – The fans are everything! They support our show and they are what build the ratings with their chats and forums and being constantly on all social media. They have a lot to say and I am sure our producers take the odd note from their input. We love them!

Pop Culture Principle – Why do you think The Outpost is resonating so well with the fans?

Jessica Green – There is a huge science fiction fan base out there that love fantasy and became attached to the characters. Our show has twists and turns and action and romance.

Pop Culture Principle – What can fans look forward to with this new season of The Outpost?

Jessica Green – A new Queen, The Gods have awoken which will bring the action you love and yes there will be romance and plot twists! You will just have to watch😊


Thank you Jessica Green for taking time out of your busy schedule to talk with us. You can now catch brand new episodes of the new season of The Outpost every Thursday night at 9/8c on the CW!

**All The Outpost photos courtesy of Aleksandar Letic/NBCU International**

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