The CBS freshman series God Friended Me has turned out to be a Godsend to television audiences and critics alike. With all that is going on in the world today, the series has become one of the most popular television series on network television.
One of the reasons for the success of the series is the work of actor Violett Beane. Many of you may remember her as Jesse Wells on the CW hit series The Flash. She’s also made memorable appearances in series such as The Resident, The Leftovers, Chicago P.D. and Legends of Tomorrow.
With the series returning on Sunday, January 6th with a brand new episode, we had the opportunity to sit down with Violett to discuss the first half of Season 1 of God Friended Me. We talk about her character Cara Bloom, her relationship with Miles and if working on the series has changed her views when it comes to religion and spirituality.
Pop Culture Principle – Have you and the cast of God Friended Me been surprised by the popularity of the series with viewers and with critics?
Violett Beane – Yes. I definitely think our numbers are not what any of us expected just because our show didn’t have a precedent. It didn’t come from a book or a movie in the past or a reboot, which usually guarantees you a certain number of viewers. With this new idea, our creators weren’t sure, but they loved it and were totally behind it and to be honest, the ratings and numbers are pretty amazing.
Pop Culture Principle – We think that the more important aspect of this series is actually about the connections between people more than the religious aspect. Would you agree?
Violett Beane – Absolutely. I think it does deal with religion a little, but in no way does it ever try to preach to anyone any sort of belief which I think is great.
Pop Culture Principle – One thing that is great about the main characters in the series is that they each have their own views on religion and that opens up important conversations. Would you agree with that?
Violett Beane – Yes. I think for our creators, it was extremely important for them to show the diversity and be inclusive with the guest stars each week on the show, but also with the main characters. I think that it sorts of lends itself to why so many people are watching the show and enjoying it because all kinds of people can see themselves on screen and can connect to the characters. I think that is one of the main things that is drawing people to the series.
Pop Culture Principle – In the first half of the season, Cara finally got to meet her birth mother and come to terms with her not being there. Has Cara truly forgiven her mother or will we see this issue come up again later in Season 1?
Violett Beane – I definitely think it’s sort of a constant battle for Cara. I think as the two of them start to get a little closer, things will maybe ease up a little bit. I mean, something like that happening in your life is never something that just goes away and I definitely think that It will continue to be explored.
Pop Culture Principle – We still don’t truly know why the God account has chosen Miles. Do you think the account is helping Miles fulfill his destiny?
Violett Beane – Whether Miles will admit it or not, the God account has helped him become the person that he wanted to be and the person that he was starting to be on his podcast, but this is just on a much larger scale. I think it’s given every single person in the God Squad a purpose and helping them become who are they supposed to be.
Pop Culture Principle – Do you think the God account has also been a blessing for Cara as well as far as helping her figure out who she is and her purpose?
Violett Beane – Yes, I think the account is definitely helping her find her voice and helping her figure out what she wants to write about and the stories that she wants to tell. She loves helping people and writing about it and I think that it’s a perfect fit for her.
Pop Culture Principle – Using social media is something that is used by almost everyone today and using it as a way to help tell and progress the stories on God Friended Me is a fantastic way to do it. Would you agree?
Violett Beane – Absolutely and like what you said about connectivity, what better way are we all connected and also not connected at all via social media. It draws young people in and gets them to start talking about topics that people don’t usually tend to talk about and again, that aspect really relates to younger people.
Pop Culture Principle – Why do you think Cara ultimately turned down the promotion?
Violett Beane – I think for Cara is that she’s finding her voice and she’s helping people and I don’t think that she really wants to give that up. She’s not the kind of person that would take the job just because of the money, especially being a writer. She wants to be able to write about things that she cares about. This other job would take her away from the God account, but also, she would have to write stories that other people told her to write about and she might not always agree on the perspective that she would have to write from and she’s not willing to compromise that.
Pop Culture Principle – You have great chemistry with Brandon Micheal Hall on screen. What has it been like working with him on God Friended Me?
Violett Beane – It’s been great! I had the chance to do a chemistry read before my test for the show, which is not always the cast. Usually, you don’t meet anyone at all until the first day of filming. We were actually able to chat and hang out and we immediately from the get-go were able to vibe together. I couldn’t imagine doing the show with anyone else.
Pop Culture Principle – Why do you think both Cara and Miles are afraid to tell each other how they truly feel?
Violett Beane – I think it’s definitely something many of us have struggled with. You have this friend and you’re not sure if it could be more than that or if the other person felt the same way and if one of you says how you are really feeling, it could mess things up. I think that there’s a lot of that going on with the two of them. Cara is such a believer in the unknown and the connectivity of everyone and I think she’s a little superstitious about it. It’s one of those things that a lot of us deal with and it’s cool that our creators are showing that and people are relating to that.
Pop Culture Principle – When Miles, Cara, and Rakesh visit the home of Henry Chases’ parents to find Falken, they instead find Pria who says she has the answers they are looking for. Is the actually Falken or something working with Falken?
Violett Beane – You will definitely see the thing with Pria explored more in the second half of the season. She’s going to give us a little bit of the story and the God Squad is going to take that and run with it and see what happens.
Pop Culture Principle – There is nothing like God Friended Me on network television today. How important do you think this show is right now with all that is going on in the world?
Violett Beane – If our show, even for just an hour once a week, gives you a little bit of positivity to start your week with, that is what we are going for. We want to let everyone know that there is an escape for a little bit, things are alright and things will work out.
Pop Culture Principle – Has being on this series and playing the character of Cara Bloom changed your view of religion and spirituality?
Violett Beane – You know, it definitely has made me think about it more than I use to. It made me sort of wonder a little bit more. Like we were saying, the show really isn’t focused on that aspect and as the episodes continue to go, we dive into the mystery of Falken and the God account, which personally is where I can connect to it. I’m definitely a feet on the ground type of person and so, that is something that I can comprehend and it’s something that I can easily wrap my mind around. I definitely think that just being part of the show and reading the scripts, it definitely keeps it on your mind.
Pop Culture Principle – What has it been like working with the phenomenal Joe Morton?
Violett Beane – He is amazing! The way he carries himself on set is amazing. He’s so professional and he knows exactly what he is talking about. Every time I get to either be in a scene with him or watch a scene he is doing, I learn something new. He’s definitely an actor that uses his body language. He does a lot with his hat and it signifies something whether you are aware of it or not to make you feel a certain way. I’m constantly learning from Joe. He is just fabulous.
Pop Culture Principle – What can fans look forward to with the second half of Season 1 of God Friended Me?
Violett Beane – Well, I can say that there is definitely going to be some mysterious episodes. I’ve read two of the episodes so far and I was on the edge of my seat. There is definitely going to be some mystery happening in the second half of the season.
A huge thank you to the wonderful Violett Beane for taking time out of her schedule to talk with us. New episodes of God Friended Me return starting this Sunday, January 6th at 8/7c on CBS. If you would like to keep up with all of Violett’s latest news and updates, you can follow her official Twitter and Instagram accounts @violettbeane.
**Main Violett Beane photo courtesy of Ryan West**
**God Friended Me photos courtesy of Jonathan Wenk/David Giesbrecht/CBS and Jeff Riedell/Peter Kramer/Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.**